When it comes to industrial filtration, there are
several different filter types to choose from when working with industrial
grade liquids, including both bag filters and cartridge filters. Ultimately, however, the final choice comes down to choosing the right
filtration technology to meet the performance demands of your facility, while
remaining within your projected operating costs. Both bag and cartridge style
filters offer removable media, but the final decision should be based on the
application, as each type of media has its advantages and disadvantages.
Bag filters are often the best choice for any
number of industrial applications. These types of filters use a wide range of
filtration media based on the application, such as activated carbon, needle
felt, and nylon monofilament mesh. The operate by trapping waste solids inside
the bag and are considered to be a relatively low-cost form of industrial
However, these filters have a smaller surface area
than most cartridge filters. The low overall operating cost makes bag filters
an excellent choice for small batch operations where the cost of a
self-cleaning system would not be justified. Along with this, small operations
will not have a high bag replacement frequency leading to lower disposal costs.
Bag filtration systems tent to produce less solid waste than cartridge filters,
making them an excellent choice for applications where the user wants to
minimize their volume of waste.