How much do you know about PP pleated filter cartridge?
PP pleated filter cartridge is made of pleated
polypropylene membrane, polypropylene non-woven fabrics and polypropylene cage.
During the production, it is purity, free of surfactants, resins, binders and
adhesives. It can be used for the liquid and gas prefiltration and
from Shanghai Indro Industry Co., Ltd is special machines for making PP pleated
filter cartridges, it is complete pleated
filter cartridge production line, including pleats making, pleats
length cutting, middle seam welding, cap
welding, fitting end welding and length connector welding.
- Features and Benefits
100% high quality polypropylene material;
Wide chemical compatibility
High flow rate
Low differential pressure
High dirt holding capacity
High nominal filtration precision
Long using life
Economical choice for the prefiltration and guard filtration before critical filtration
Board range of micron ratings
Suitable for various filtration.
Meet the current FDA after cleaned and flushed with Pyrogen-free water.
- Micron Rating(µm):
0.10 0.20 0.45 1.00 3.00 5.00 10.0 20.0 40.0 50.0 100
Wide chemical compatibility
High flow rate
Low differential pressure
High dirt holding capacity
High nominal filtration precision
Long using life
Economical choice for the prefiltration and guard filtration before critical filtration
Board range of micron ratings
Suitable for various filtration.
Meet the current FDA after cleaned and flushed with Pyrogen-free water.
- Micron Rating(µm):
0.10 0.20 0.45 1.00 3.00 5.00 10.0 20.0 40.0 50.0 100
-Typical Applications
1. Pharmaceuticals, APIs, Biologics; Solvent; Compressed
air filtration;
2. Plating solutions, Ink;
3. Fine Chemicals;
4. Food & Beverages, Wine, Beer, Mineral Water;
5. Semi-Conductor, LCD Display, Discs, R.O. prefiltration
6. Clarification of waste water treatment.
2. Plating solutions, Ink;
3. Fine Chemicals;
4. Food & Beverages, Wine, Beer, Mineral Water;
5. Semi-Conductor, LCD Display, Discs, R.O. prefiltration
6. Clarification of waste water treatment.
- Materials of Construction
Filter Media: Polypropylene
Support Layer: Polypropylene
Inner Core: Polypropylene
Outer Core: Polypropylene
Support Layer: Polypropylene
Inner Core: Polypropylene
Outer Core: Polypropylene
-Cartridge Dimensions
Outer Diameter: 68mm
Inner Diameter: 33mm
Effective Filtration Area: ≥0.60m2
Inner Diameter: 33mm
Effective Filtration Area: ≥0.60m2
-Operation Conditions
Normal Operating Temperature: ≤55℃
Max. Operating Temperature: 80℃(△P≤0.10Mpa)
Max. Differential Pressure: Normal Flow direction:4.2 bar at 25℃
Reverse Flow direction: 2.1 bar at 25℃
Steam Sterilization for 30 minutes at 121±2℃
PH Value compatibility: 1-13
Max. Operating Temperature: 80℃(△P≤0.10Mpa)
Max. Differential Pressure: Normal Flow direction:4.2 bar at 25℃
Reverse Flow direction: 2.1 bar at 25℃
Steam Sterilization for 30 minutes at 121±2℃
PH Value compatibility: 1-13
-Cartridge Safety
Endotoxin: <0.25 EU/ml
Extractable: 0.03g/10”
Extractable: 0.03g/10”
-Production process of PP pleated filter cartridges
The complete pleated
filter cartridge production process includes pleats making, pleats length
cutting, middle seam welding, cap
welding, fitting end welding and length connector welding. SIIC-M025
from Shanghai Indro Industry Co., Ltd is special machines and production line
for making PP pleated filter cartridges.